YMHC Contacts

YMHC is a volunteer run organization. We have a passion for hoc­­key, striving to deliver a great experience along with the best service possible. Please have patience with inquiry response times, especially during the off-season months. We will get back you as soon as possible.

  • Written communications

    York Mills Hockey Club

    P.O. Box 1003, 3266 Yonge Street
    Toronto, ON M4N 3P6

    This address will not accept courier deliveries requiring a signature.

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Executive Name Email
Co-president of hockey operations Robert Smith robertjsmith@sympatico.ca
Co-president governance and finance Brad Nullmeyer bnullmeyer@hotmail.com
Ice Allocations    
Referee & Game Operations Arin Otis arinotis@gmail.com
Co-president of hockey operations Robert Smith robertjsmith@sympatico.ca

Non-Executive Positions

Non-Executive Positions Name Email
Head of House League Michelle Brochu michelle@ymhc.ca
Rep and Select Registrar Barry / Jane Stephens ymhcregistrar@rogers.com
General Manager Rep and Select John Mullin ymhcgm@gmail.com
Timekeeper Administrator Arin Otis arinotis@gmail.com