3. GTHL helmet policy

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Minor hockey has always been concerned about the safety of participants. To this end, various items of safety equipment have been mandated by Hockey Canada for players and on-ice Officials. Chief among these is helmets. Unfortunately, being careful or being an experienced coach is no guarantee against having an accident on the ice that could be fatal or leave the coach with serious physical impairment for the rest of his life. Since 1998, at least seven coaches in both Canada and the USA have died of head injuries as a result of falling on the ice during practices. That is seven too many. In addition, many others suffered injuries of varying degrees – in USA Hockey alone there were 47 documented head injury claims by coaches in one 12 month period (January – December 2004).


Effective January 1, 2008, each Team Official, volunteer and NCCP Instructor under the jurisdiction of the GTHL will be required to wear a C.S.A approved helmet during all on ice activities. A Trainer or any other Team Official who is attending to an injured player at the direction of the Referee is considered exempt from this policy.

Sanctions for non compliance:

  1. The first infraction under the policy results in a written notification/warning by one or all of the following; GTHL Board of Directors, GTHL Executive Director, GTHL Technical Director for Coaching,
  2. For a second infraction by the same party, the individual shall be suspended from participation in GTHL activity for a minimum of 2 weeks, and
  3. For a third infraction by the same party, the individual shall be suspended from participation in GTHL activity for a period of 1 year.

