5. Questions, Complaints and Concerns, who do I contact?

  • Mock

If you have any questions or concerns about our division, please first reach out to your division convenor. If your concerns are related to overall club decisions, please email Michelle, Head House League Convenor at michelle@ymhc.ca or John, Select and Rep Convenor at ymhcgm@gmail.com. Concerns related to inappropriate comments and/or behaviour of a player, parent or coach, or refereeing, please email Michelle, Head House League Convenor at michelle@ymhc.ca and/or Arin, Head Referee at arinotis@gmail.com. If your concerns are related to our select hockey program, please email John, Select and Rep Convenor at ymhcgm@gmail.com. If you feel your complaints are not being addressed, or would like to raise your concerns at a higher level, you can email Robert, YMHC Club President at robertjsmith@sympatico.ca.

